Nonprofit Board Appreciation Ideas


Whether it’s the holidays or an anniversary or you lose a board post, showing your nonprofit board members that you appreciate them is important. Giving them a thoughtful, affordable gift that is tailored to their needs and promoting the organization’s image can build trust between your board members who volunteer.

Custom-branded and personalized gifts are the perfect way to show your board members that you appreciate their hard work. From fun gifts to useful office equipment There are plenty of options available to fit your budget. For instance an attractive gift basket with goodies like books, snacks, and funny trinkets can make people laugh and feel appreciated. You can pair it with a personalized cup or set of stylish pens to complete the package.

Another method of thanking your volunteers is by holding an occasion in their honor. Host an event to celebrate your board members’ contribution. It could be a dinner for two or a day at the beach. You can feature them in your company newsletter, donate to their names or highlight their accomplishments in a meeting to put the spotlight on their hard work.

Nonprofit board members bring a diverse array of skills, knowledge and experience to your board. Recognizing their achievements and efforts can boost morale, stimulate involvement and foster accountability among your volunteer board. Using a software solution like BoardEffect that simplifies processes, increases communication and fosters accountability can be a great option to highlight your board’s unique skills and abilities.