Achieving Board Diversity


Board Diversity is an objective that all associations are striving to be more inclusive, remain relevant and prepare for the future. The process of achieving the goals of diversity in the boardroom requires time and effort. It requires the willingness to examine the way in which your association is managed and who sits in the boardroom to see how the process can be improved and to make decisions that will impact the future of your organization.

Diverse board members who have skills and perspectives that align with the direction of the company can help the board make better decisions, which enhances the performance of the business and benefits all stakeholders – employees, suppliers, and communities. Diverse thinking stimulates new ways of thinking and problem solving, adds alternatives and creates value.

When we bring in a woman into a boardroom for instance, this gives us insight into the lifestyle and habits of female customers. Adding this perspective helps the board make decisions that will enhance the quality of products and services offered and build stronger relationships with consumers. This is why a well-thought-out diversity strategy is vital for the boardroom.

Many academics have suggested that improving the demographic composition of boards will expand the knowledge base of the board, through providing information that would otherwise be a mystery if the board was homogenous. A recent study on board dynamics suggests that the diversity of the board is not as important than what new directors bring to the board in terms of their expertise, experience and relationships.

Boards can promote diversity in a variety of ways, including by setting targets or goals, enlarging the pool of candidates and encouraging inclusion across the company. The key is to design an approach that will suit your needs and fit your company’s culture.